- We are a training center . Currently we offer services to one girl per month. One one Coaching..
- We offer group coaching and one 2 one.
- Career Coaching. Girls today, have really big, big dreams. It's a shame because often time they are around nay sayers or people that say that they can't do.
At SweetGyrl we are here to show you that YOU CAN!! we don't only say you CAN. But we offer, resources, advice, and guidance, as well as linking you with mentors in the related field of work you may be looking to get into.
- Dress for Success is important. No one tells you how to take all of your life experiences paid and unpaid, put it on paper and develop a "functional" resume.
- We teach and explain the diffrences and purpose in resume formats.
- We also show you how to properly fill out an application, not leaving blanks, but filling everything in!! Yes, I know. It's the basics right? But because its the basics, we forget the basic stuff. You have to master the basics before moving on to the big stuff.
- How do you dress for an interview? What colors do you wear? What kind of makeup do you wear? Whats appropriate for you nails and shoes? Hmm, sounds like I hit a nerve.
- What kind of language do you use during the interview, slang? ebonics? or proper english?
- These are just some of the services we offer. Every month we will feature one young lady, from our community. They will get to pilot our services for free. One young lady per month. Then we will expand to the other 5o states.
Stay tuned for our feature young lady!! until then Stay cool!