Saturday, January 27, 2007

Another thing, I just think its so important to teach girls/boys the skills necessary to succeed in life in general, especially girls of color. I remember leaving home at 18 (well I got kicked out) and not having any skills for life, mistakes on application, resumes, never knowing how to budget my accounts, accounts always in the negative! I cant tell you how many girls I have trained that just simply don't have a clue as to how to successfully prepare themselves for success.

I must also say, we got to lose the attitude. At the end of the day no one owes us anything! Its sad because as young women, we have no guidance and some where along the way someone did not do right by us, or someone imposed their limiting beliefs on us and we totally believed it, now we go through life struggling and not having enough belief in ourselves to be successful and make it.

Please lets join together and help our young women and men, is coming soon!

I have a 16 year old son, we went to fill out a job application and I literally saw my baby making mistakes and leaving things blank and not mention his handwriting was off. I took for granted that he automatically knew these things because I was his mom and this what I teach, however It really made me sit back and think again and thus streetboyz2biznizmen cam foreword.

I can graciously say that now my baby knows how to fill out applications and he even has a resume!

Lets teach our young people please! Equip them for life!